
Sep 01, 2004 21:30

please fill this out? :) ..i kno its long...but they r all like 'yes' or 'no' answerss....so it shudnt take long...thanks in advance...i love who ever fills this out...not only will i giv u a big kiss...but also a feather in ur cap ( Read more... )

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heyy kevvyy its christinaa* anonymous September 1 2004, 20:11:38 UTC
am i..
- am i cute? yes
- am i crazy? yep
- am i lovable? verryy
- am i sexy? verry
- am i annoying? nope
- am i psycho? yep lol
- am i daring? yea
- am i a good person? yes

would you..
- would you hug me? yes
- would you miss me if i was gone? very much so
- would you kiss me? yes
- would you make out with me? probably
- would you listen to my problems? yep
- would you be a good friend? yes, i try to
- would you be my best friend? sure

would you ever..
- would you ever go out with me? yes
- would you ever do it again if you already have? nvr have
- would you ever marry me if you could? of coursee! hah
- would you ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up? nahh
- would you ever make out with me in a cemetery? yummi.well i wud.. but id kinda be scared lol
- would you ever make out with me in the rain? yea! i think thats so cutee hehe
- would you ever snuggle with me? yep

if you could..
- if you could give me a new name, it would be? i like ur name
- if you could do one thing with me, it would be? hmm..
- if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be? to never change b.c ur perfect the way you are :)
- if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? hah everywhere

just a few questions..
- what do you love about me? everythingg - especially your personalityy & humor
- what do you hate about me? nothingg
- what is my best quality? personality
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be? nothing
- what is your honest opinion about me? your AMAZING!
- what would you do if i sang out of tune? laugh? hah j.k
- what song reminds you of me? spice girls
- do i remind you of any characters on tv? ?
- have you ever had a dream about me? nope
- do you think i'm a virgin? yep
- if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? 14
- am i huggable? yepp
- if you could give me anything, what would it be? a blowup thingg haha (ill get ovr that eventually) lol
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? to always be there for you. <3

- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, etc.? beautiful
- if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be? AWESOMEEE
- when we first met, what were your thoughts? hes hott, funny
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? hes hott,& has a great personality and sense of humor
- what are my faults?? none that i can think of
- what are my strengths? lotss of them
- do you wish we were closer? we're pretty close, but kinda
- why aren't we closer? ? dunno

do you's
1. do you think im cute? yess
2. do you want to kiss me? yes
3. do you want to cuddle wit me? yep
4. do you want to hook up with me? ;)
5. do you think im smart? yess

are we's
1. are we aquintences? no
2. are we friends? yes
3. are we hook ups? no
4. are we in a relationship? no
5. are we gonna have kids? yeaa lotsss lol

am i's
1. am i smart? yes
2. am i cute? yes
3. am i funny? OMG YEAHH!! lol
4. am i cool? the COOLEST
5. am i the most brilliant person ever?...hehe? omg duhhh! hahah lol
would you's
1. would you hang out with me? yep.. i have
2. would you date me? yes
3. would you be my hook up? yes
4. would you be my girlfriend/boyfriend? yes
5. would you have sex with me? hmm.. ;)

have you ever?
1. have you ever thought about me? yea
2. have you ever thought there might be an "us"? kinda
3. have you ever thought about about hookin up with me? yes
4. have you ever found yourself wanting a kiss from me? yes
5. have you ever wished i were there? yep

are you's
1. are you done with this survey? yeahhh
2. are you happy you know me? extremely
3. are you mad at me? no wayy
4. are you thinkin bout me? yep
5. are you going to repost this so that i will return the favor? cant i dont have a Lj lol..

<33 christinaa *


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