A Mark Zuckerburg Production.

Nov 25, 2006 01:00

I spent the entire day yesterday practicing music and playing video games. I got out my dusty, old Nintendo 64 (which actually isn't that old at all), and played Paper Mario. Sooooo much fun. And then Thanksgiving.

Let me just say that Thanksgiving ended with my grandfather going to the hospital. He's completely fine but, nonetheless, it was a very scary experience, seeing as my grandfather has never been sick a day in his life. And I mean that.

After dinner, I had a little pep talk with my uncle about how I might as well kill myself now, because there is no way I'd ever make it as a musician in this world. As serious as he was trying to be, I couldn't help but find it funny, and my mother, sister and me all had a really long laugh afterwards.

Then it was off to see Bryan. Yes, Bryan. The very same Bryan of whom I swore six months ago never to speak to again. I guess that was a lie. I suppose I went to go see him for closure. Whatever the reason, I received it in plenty. Yes, he and Bryce are still together, and yes, the sex appears to be rapant as if they're bunnies on viagra (Bryce dry humped Bryan in front of me... several times), but they've both become very fat, and that makes me smile. Not so much that they're fat, but because I know Bryan hates the fact that he's fat, which means he's unhappy. Naturally, to see an ex loved one unhappy makes me happy.
So in that sense, Thanksgiving was amazing.

And today (Black Friday!!!) was the best shopping day I've ever had. EVER. Michelle and I went to CD Trader at which I bought five CD's, SEVEN dvd's, and two vinyls for a total of only $61.32. I'd say that's pretty good. After that, it was off to Malibu with Lauren for some FREECITY shopping. Let's just say I spent more and was less productive. Whatevs, the shirts are cute.

And now I'm sitting here, having just watched V for Vendetta for the first time, wondering what ties the producers thought existed between Revolution, and Tchaikovsky's '1812 Overture.'
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