My brain is completely dead today. I think I worked it a bit too hard yesterday. So today I'm taking it easy-- too easy, some would say-- and this entry will be distractedly written
I have leads on three different jobs, none of them thrilling, but the most likely-seeming job opportunity also happens to be the one that pays the most (with bonuses for sales) so I'm hoping for that one. It'll involve me being on the phone a lot, saying a lot of the same things over and over, but at least it's ethical (unlike my last such job) and it will let me sit down all day in the same room as my good friend Brian. I'll find out about that job on Monday, if that job opportunity is a job opportunity of its word. Interestingly, when I got in my car immediately after my (remarkably informal) interview yesterday, my shuffled iPod chose to play Fountains of Wayne's "Bright Future In Sales."
Also yesterday I found out that I'll need to blow two thirds of my first (and last, and only) Snooty Record Store paycheck on renewing my car insurance. Then it's a scant two weeks before I need to pay my rent. Even if I were hired tomorrow, the nature of "pay periods" means I likely won't be able to make my rent on time. I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing about that, as I already owe money to three different people who are themselves not doing terribly well financially (not to mention two different credit cards)... but I am choosing to assume that It Will All Work Out Somehow, because that's carried me this far, has it not?
Also yesterday I found out that my least favorite housemate doesn't think much of me, and also doesn't think there's anything wrong with randomly insulting me, at length and unprovoked, until he makes me reach the rare (for me) emotional state of actually wishing harm upon him and I am forced to leave the room before I start to insult him back (or worse)... the surprise nature of this attack on my character kind of torpedoed my Friday, but by day's end I'd been fed pancakes by generous friends and entertained with expensive video games (and a puppy) by other generous friends, and the evening ended on a high note. Any effort on my part to remain upset about my housemate's jerkfacedness is clearly pointless since A) he's nuts and B) seems not even to remember or even be aware on any level that it happened at all. I slept pretty well and, well, whatever. I'm just going to let it slide this time, but man, for a reggae band frontman who sings often of peace and love and respect and good vibes, he sure knows how to be nasty.
There are new developments in my love life but I don't feel quite comfortable yet writing about them when there are so many loose ends yet to be tied. I've never really known how to write about love, anyway.
Tomorrow should carry me surprisingly quickly to Monday and its possible job-opportunity resolution, as tomorrow will be filled with a visit from a new out-of-town friend (David, but not that David or that other David; a David who perhaps needs a nickname, if only for journal-keeping purposes, hmmm) and at least one more of those expensive video games and a good conversation or several.
So again I must stress that I am, despite my unfairly complicated current life, happy and well-rested.
(But I am really fucking missing my deep-tissue massages like whoa. Sad that I could go in at any time for a "free" one, but I cannot afford it because I refuse to not tip the person who helps my tangled muscles oh so much. Freezing my Massage Envy account was probably the hardest part of my becoming so impoverished, but when you're living off crackers and peanut butter it's hard to justify even a modest gratuity on what most able-spined people would consider a luxury.)