
Jun 10, 2004 00:13

I just came home from meeting David Prowse.

And he's cuddly. ^_^

See, he actually came to Indianapolis about eight months ago to appear in an independently made film here in town entitled "Saving Star Wars". Tonight was the opening night. It was a wonderful tale about a guy who kidnapped George Lucas at a convention in order to keep a promise to his son, who had leukemia and lives at Riley Hospital for Children. While thanking goodness that this particular case of leukemia was fictional, it was still wild and *wierd* to see the inside of Riley Hospital in a film - I've worked on that floor!

And so David Prowse was there to sign pictures and posters and make an appearance. He's really, really nice. He was gracious enough to pose with me for a picture, at which point I discovered that he's cuddly. ^_^ And I'm not quite sure what he wears, but he smells really nice, too. ^_^ I'll be posting pics once Paul gets them downloaded from his camera.

*grins* And this is just one of the surreal, busy, good days of my life lately. Been so busy I really haven't even had time to chronicle things... but this I *had* to sit back and write about. And in just a week, I'll be having another wonderful night hanging out with a friend, I'm sure! :D

... Y'know, it's nice to feel like the karma dump of winter has finally worked itself out... *dances off to bed*
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