Dec 11, 2005 18:45
Exam Schedule:
7 page paper due tomorrow by Noon
Nothing on Tuesday
Wednesday, 8:30 AM...20 minute exam for soccer
12:30 to 2:30- Am Hist Since 1865 (Chapters 24-33)
3:30 to 5:30 - Chem&Society (Cumulative)
12:30 to 2:30 or something like that, it might be early, I can't remember...Italian (cumulative)
So looks like packing on Monday/Tuesday. Studying on Wednesday.
I'm just having trouble writing my paper, but it's going to turn out okay. I still have 16 hours. I'm not panicking...okay, yes I am. My brain is oscillating back and forth between panic (time is ticking down) and Don't Panic because I have a towel and skills. Hmm, I definitely am missing self-scheduled exams right about now. I also need to buy blue books at some time this week.