I know it's a bit long, but take some time out of your day to watch this video and wake yourself up a little bit. If you are worried about what is happening in this country and around the world, know that you are not alone. The only way to stay free is to resist, the only way to resist effectively is to be educated and informed as to what is going on, and then educate and inform others.
The following was filmed back in 2003, it has gotten worse since then, but not nearly as bad as it would be if it weren't for the information shared everyday on the internet. Knowledge and information can be power and energy, but just like a battery, it is inert until you put it in something and use it.
Exercise your rights, lest they be excised from you.
"Alex Jones Matrix Of Evil Speech UNEDITED" on Google Video
Stunning speech about The New World Order. Filmed years ago information offered in this video is almost more salient then it was when the speech was made. A must see!