Dec 10, 2003 01:02
[ Name ] Kevin No-Middle-Name Yeh
[ Nickname ] Kev, Kevvie, Yeh, Kevvie Yeh-yeh, Yay-yo, pumpkin
[ Birthday ] April 26, 1985
[ Age ] 18, and yet to exercise any of my legal rights…oh wait…I went to a strip club, damn.
[ Sign ] Taurus…and I’m an Ox, too…how kick ass am I!
[ Location ] Born and raised in the City by the Bay…currently in La-la Land
[ Sexual Preference ] all about the ladies
[ Marital Status ] Single
[ Religion ] mostly agnostic, but occasionally practicing Roman Catholic; born Buddhist
[ Eye color ] Brown
[ Height ] 5’8
[ Shoe size ] 10
[ Parents still together? ] how did they get together in the first place!
[ Siblings? ] unfortunately…for him and for me
[ Pets? ] see above
[ In school/graduated? ] at UCLA…will be leaving soon…graduated SI ’03 and missing it….formerly of St. Mary’s CHINESE Day School
[ What do you drive? ] my lovely BMW X5 pimp-wagon
[ Color ] light blue, and classic black and white
[ Number ] 8
[ Animal ] dogs and tigers….growl
[ Vehicle ] I’m happy with mine…except I wish it were a bit more gas-efficient
[ Flower ] Roses and orchids
[ Scent ] for men? Acqua di gio; but for women, there’s a certain scent that can totally make a guy’s knees go weak…
[ Drinks ] Miami vice…half strawberry daiquiri, half pina colada
[ Soda ] coca cola
[ Book ] the chosen, crime and punishment, the dead, catcher in the rye, a clockwork orange, of mice and men, the grapes of wrath, a time to kill, the stranger, the great gasby
[ Band ] coldplay
[ Song ] oh god, I have so many…but basically, any song that I can relate to will be my favorite…honestly
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] it’s usually colored during water polo season (though never again), but Jojo did color it brown fall semester senior year
[ Twirl your hair? ] I run my hands through it now that I actually have hair!
[ Have tattoos? ] yeah…your mom’s name
[ Piercings? ] penis…no
[ Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?] never
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] yes, though not anymore
[ Drink/Smoke? ] I rarely drink anymore
[ Like roller coasters? ] who organized 4-5 trips to great America this summer and went to all of them??? Me…….
[ Wish you could live somewhere else? ] new york, italy, England, france…somewhere romantic….some parts of asia
[ Want more piercings? ] yeah…gotta pierce my nuts in addition to my penis
[ Like cleaning? ] I like when things are being cleaned…as long as it’s not by me
[ Write in cursive or print? ] print…why did we have to learn handwriting in second grade? Though I’m sure either of mine would be hard to read
[ Swear a lot? ] I try to cut down
[ Own a web cam? ] yes, I make a living by running my nude webcam
[ Know how to drive? ] does parallel parking count as a qualification?
[ Diet? ] yeah…I’m trying to gain weight
[ Own a cell phone? ] a kick ass 200 dollar one with a fancy camera that I don’t even use
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] are you kidding?
[ Hablar Espanol? ] no hablo espanol, pero le estudié para cuatro anos, pero no se nada porque estoy estupido
Have you ever...
[ Gotten a speeding ticket? ] yeah, fuck…had to drive back to LA to appear in court
[ DUI? ] I’m not retarded
[ Been arrested? ] yes…for breaking too many hearts
[ Been in a fist fight? ] 8th grade fight club style
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] yes
[ Held a gun? ] a bb gun at a carnival
[ Drank? ] yeah
[ Been so drunk you couldn't remember your name? ] I’m not retarded
[ Considered a life of crime? ] I’m a total good boy
[ Cheated on someone? ] Never had the chance to
[ Cried over a girl? ] Yeah
[ Cried over a boy? ] interesting question…no one has ever asked me that before…no
[ Lied to someone? ] unfortunately
[ Been in love? ] yes
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] yes
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] yes
[ Been rejected? ] too many times
[ Been in lust? ] yes
[ Used someone? ] nah
[ Been used? ] I may be stupid enough not to notice…but I’m actually dumber cuz I know it and I let it happen
[ Been cheated on? ] n/a
[ Been kissed? ] not by anyone that mattered
[ Experimented with homosexuality? ] of course…we’re CC guys
[ Current mood ] freaking out over tomorrow’s final
[ Current taste ] stale
[ Current hair ] crazy looking
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] reading astro
[ Current cds in stereo ] the bends, radiohead…and a burned CD
[ Current crush ] no one
[ Current hate ] if I hate you…you’ve gotta be terrible
[ Current job ] porn star
The last time:
[ Last book you read ] On Liberty & On the Subjection of Women, John Stuart Mill
[ Last movie you saw ] Love Actually…fabulous movie
[ Last thing you had to drink ] Aruba Orange…a smoothie
[ Last thing you ate ] Chicken in a Biscuit
[ Last person you talked to on the phone ] casually, james…long conversation, megan
Do you:
[ Do drugs?] acne medication?
[ Have a dream that keeps coming back? ] I have a common theme
[ Believe there is life on other planets? ] where do you think I come from?
[ Still love him/her? ] yeah
[ Read the newspaper? ] Daily Bruin…though it’s all about the SF Chronicle!
[ Have any gay or lesbian friends? ] plenty
[ Believe in miracles? ] I’ve yet to experience one
[ Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? ] I know it’s possible…as long as you find “the one”
[ Consider yourself tolerant of others?] very
[ Consider love a mistake? ] I often do…but when I think that I’ll ultimately succeed…then it should all be worth it
[ Have a favorite candy? ] starbursts and skittles
[ Believe in astrology? ] no, but I hate astronomy…
[ Believe in magic? ] what kind of magic?
[ Believe in god? ] I did…but I’ve lost my faith
[ Do well in school? ] I try…but it’s mattering less and less to me as I realize there are more important things to life
[ Go to or plan to go to college? ] not a very good one
[ Wear hats? ] I never did until college…now it’s all about representing the SF Giants…actually, I’m just too lazy to do my hair
[ Hate yourself? ] I can’t help it
[ Have an obsession?] definitely….but shopping is an obsession too, not to mention my OCD
[ Have a secret crush?] no crushes at the moment
[ Do they know yet? ]
[ Collect anything? ] yeah…unfinished homework
[ Have a best friend? ] I seem to always lose them…every time I think that it’s gonna be my last and final and everlasting one…something fucks it up
[ Close friends? ] none here…
[ Like your handwriting? ] not at all
[ Care about looks? ] totally…except here at UCLA…where I don’t respect the place and the people enough to look decent for them
[ First crush ] preschool…I must’ve been 3 or 4…there was this one black girl I totally followed everywhere…I think I tried to kiss her too
[ First kiss ] I’ve wasted my first time…it meant nothing…as with many things I do
[ Single or attached? ] single
[ Do you believe in love at first sight? ] no…love is something that grows because you already know the person so well
[ Do you believe in "the one?" ] definitely…otherwise I would have no reason to live
[ Describe your ideal significant other ] ahh man…I don’t know…I just want one girl…just one girl who I’ll fall in love with and marry...i don’t want to go through all that numerous dating and stuff…but when I mean the perfect girl I don’t mean that she would have to be perfect in her actions and stuff like never burping and farting…I just want her to accept me for who I am…I can be wild, hyper, loud, and crazy but I have a heart too and I truly care for people…I cry…I can be serious but I choose to stay happy and cheerful cause that’s the type of person that I am…basically yeah….i just want her to like me for who I am…that’s it…but it’s all good right now…I mean it’s hard sometimes when all my friends look happy in their relationships but there’s no rush….she’ll come….she’ll come someday….
[ Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? ] hell yeah…I’ve got pictures!
[ Favorite place to be kissed ] I think one of the most romantic spots ever is the waterfront in san Francisco, right down from Ghirardelli square…on a cool, breezy night with a bright moon and clear skies so that you can see the stars
[ Shy to make the first move? ] I usually wait…but lately, I’ve felt as if nothing will ever come to me unless I do something first
Are you a...
[ Wuss ] I am such a total wuss
[ Druggy ] eww…no
[ Daydreamer ] it keeps me going
[ Freak ] oh hell yeah
[ Dork ] I take “dork” to a whole new level
[ Bitch/Asshole ] I can be…and it’s not pretty…don’t provoke me, dipshit
[ Sarcastic ] see above