Life update....

Jun 14, 2011 21:09

It's been a while (read December 24th) that I posted something on this dust covered journal.

Lots of things have changed and this time most of these things are GOOD things :D

Due to the extensiveness of this post, I'll be so kind to place it behind a cut...

Starting out on November of last year where I got myself a fursuit. One that I've been looking for, for quite a bit - since I actively joined the furry community -. AceShepherd pointed out to me that it was up for sale and within 2 months, Midas arrived in the Netherlands. To explain why Midas got his name was because I wanted to have use a name that sums up what I love and like to do: Stage and Theatre and cars. Midas is used in both things that I like the most. Midas in the AV-branch makes high-end sound-mixers/boards and in the car-world, Midas is a Garage brand in Europe and the US (Trust the Midas touch ;) ).

A month passed since I got Midas and another pleasant think happened to me. A month before I got Midas, I got to meet a great guy on-line that was just crazy about cars and a few other things as I am. We talked more, set up a few meetings and slowly we both started getting more comfortable around each other. So comfortable in fact that during the 1st of Januari - an easy date to remember as I suck at remembering dates >.< - we both started counting our first day in a relationship together. 6 months and 14 days later, things are still going strong and we love one another to bits!!!

This also meant coming out towards my parents :\ Well, needless to say that my mom was filled with joy and was happy for me... yeah, in another life perhaps >.> My sister couldn't care less and my dad.... still have to tell him <.<. On the other hand, my grandmother of all people was the only one who was thrilled to hear this news!!! A 76 year old woman, raised by parents stricter then the Pope himself! Telling her gay (well bi actually :P) grandson that she was thrilled to hear this news and that she wanted to meet her grandson's boyfriend O.O *faints*
The only thing that put me down a little was the fact that I couldn't tell my grandfather :( But after talking to my grandmother for more then an hour, it wouldn't have changed her opinion about me having a boyfriend. In fact, she said that even my grandfather would have loved to meet him.

Aunts, uncles and my cousins still need to be informed but those people are just as open minded as my grandmother is.

Skip forward 1 month... February 14th. I started working for THE Dutch company: Philips. Though not something that I studied for, it's a good income and they can't fire me :3 Colleagues are okay, work atmosphere is great and the work itself... mind-numbingly boring :P If there is anything that is >.>. Sometimes I wonder if I just get paid  to be present at work, and not for the work that I do :P.

Fast forward until now... Life's been good so far. My boyfriend and I just recently went on a 5 day trip to the Ardennes together to let of some steam and I got drafted by Shay to help him with his movie; Bitter Lake (Shameless promotion ).

Well, that's about it :P 

life, update, a lot of shit that has happened to me in

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