Life update

Nov 07, 2010 18:03

It has been quite some time now that I've posted something down here. Might as well give a small up-date on what's keeping me busy for the passed months.

Finished school/college/uni/what ever you might want to call it :P thus making me a certified AV-technician with an expertise in vidoe-editing and videography (filming:P).
Downside of this is that, 4 years ago when I started this course, that the teachers told us that there would be plenty of job opportunities around for the next 10 years.... they were wrong. I could go on about this but I won't.

Life in general... same old fucking story :P Some might know a bit more then others but most things haven't changed much.
I did find out certain new things about myself and made peace with them as I found it difficult to deal with. Hence the reason why I had a brake from the fandom from January untill EF this year.

Eurofurence... To sum EF up in 2 words I'd say "Chaoticly fun". Had a blast allthough some small things that could have gone way better if planned better. Non the less I had a blast and I'll sure as hell be attending next year.

Furs on Fire... Planning most of the lighting, audio and rigging stuff. Will be fun this year again I hope.

Cars... I did got a lot of work done on Jorn's (AceShepard) Mk1 VW Golf Karmann as he crashed it last winter. It's still nowhere near finished unfortunatly.

Work on my own car-project (for those who know:P) has grinded to a halt. Lack of will to do anything and lack of funds to buy new shiney tools and equipment but that's about to change.

I bought a brand new air-compressor and sandblast-kit, after working my ass off for the passed few months (I still work for Techno-Base but that's purely on-call employment). 

My new Airpress 375/100 and hand-held sandblast-gun which I got for free.

And my brand new sandblaster with extraction system (vacuum system)

That, and hanging out with friends and going to meetings, was all that I did over the passed few months.

That's it.


- Niko.

life boring lots of stuff tools compress

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