luke 3_4

Dec 10, 2004 07:35

3:8Produce fruit in keeping with repentance...

42At daybreak Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. 43But he said, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent. 44And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

Early in the am Jesus went to be alone. He wasn't really alone, it just appeared that way. There was a Heavenly Father who was pleased with him who met him there. The auidence of the Father was more precious to the Rabbi than the people who were looking for him. The Father's will was more important than his following. The people wanted him to camp out, the Father wanted him to move. Jesus must have been a very disappointing person to those people. He knew how to say no. The things he said no to were the things that would have detoured his cause. He had to say no to those people in order to say Yes to the Father. I want to live the yes, and it requires me to say no to lesser wills.
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