Jun 20, 2007 20:55
i was wrong. the house i'm working on isn't 3 million, but 8 million dollars. serious fuck you money. i haven't even started painting yet. i've been hand sanding for nearly two weeks. i've seriously started learning different ways of folding sandpaper to fit into certain grooves and nooks. i'm so versatile. sandpaper origami.
i keep stopping and telling myself, "man, fuck this house". it's ugly and old.
morris bart's wife complained to my boss about the workers drinking the bottled water inside of the fridge. other than the bottled water, the fridge is empty. the entire house is empty. no one lives there yet. i think that's awesome that someone is complaining about the 5 men working on the house. guys who are sweating, working on extension ladders, inhaling dust all day. how foolish of us for being thirsty and drinking the only cold water in an emtpy house. a multi-millionaire being stingy over water. that's so awesome. i made sure to take one for the ride home.
i don't think anyone else is keen on my idea of going swimming on the last day of work in about a month. the pool is huge and inviting. i'm bringing a towel on my last day. i think i'll make sure to get my last pay check first.
andy from madison is hooking me up by having ups pick my amp up from me. ups wanted a load of money to ship it. it just turns out i don't have a ton of money to send it off, but it certainly needs to be reparied. andy rules. i just need to box this thing up securely. i need a box.