Dec 18, 2003 20:24
ug i am so tired today. i had to take a history test which i never got the notes for cause i was absent but apparently that doesnt constitute a brake. however what does is Ryan Laboss came in late to school so he didnt get a chance to study so he gets to take it tomarrow...... hum.... didnt study vs absent??????? is it really that close? i hope i aced it so i can be like i showed u mothafucka... . but that would be pretty hard since i didnt have any info on the test in the first place.
went to math xtra help after school... that was fun ON OPPOSITE DAY! i spent an hour and a half doin only half of a worksheet that i started in school. the worst part was that i had to do all of my make up work too. ug.... on to bball for some reason i got extremely tired even tho we didnt do nething. i think its the stress from school bringing back my sickness. then i get to come home and do alll my hw and now i gotta eat and sleep
this is so much fun!
cant wait for the weekend