Apr 26, 2005 21:43
I was at work the other day... we have a manager in houston who fowards to all of her stores funny shit that happens down there. The story she gave us on this day was this...
It was a big wedding... in excess of 300 in attendance. All was going well and when the rehearsal dinner was coming to an end the Groom stood up and began a speach;
"I know it's not customary for the groom to speak but I need to get this out... I would like to thank everyone for making this such a great event for me. I've really enjoyed it thus far and it's wonderful to have soo many people here for this. The bride's family has spend over $35,000 on this wedding, $8,500 on the honey-moon and $3,200 on wedding pictures. That's a lot, wouldn't you agree? Well it's my turn to give something back, under all of your seats (including the wedding partie's) is a gift from me to you."
Under all of the seats was taped a 8x11 envelope. inside this envelope was a picture of the bride humping the best man!!! The groom waited for everyone to open it and said;
"I was suspicious a couple weeks ago so I hired a PI, here was the result. I wanted to wait for the right time to let her know I was aware of it. So here ya go honey, peace out, I'm outta here."
He then just walked out. Now that was AWESOME!!!! That really takes some big brass balls. I thought that was hillarious so I just wanted to pass it on.