Damn Christina Lundy... Damn her to HELL!!!

Dec 23, 2004 00:46

I am about sick of this. I can't sleep at all, I can't walk without dragging a foot and moving a yard per minute, and every part of my body is sore. The bruising is incredible, I have some really impressive cuts and plate size bruises. Today was the first day since the accident that I haven't had a dizzy spell or lost my ability to focus. My knees are the worst part of it, the pain I feel from them is constant and unbearable. They buckle any time I put any pressure on them, so now I have a Wheelchair, a cane and a handicap sticker for my truck. The doctor doesn't know when or IF they will heal right. I have an appointment monday with an orthopedic specialist to find out more. And that brings me to my next big concern... As a lot of my friends know I have been well on my way to pursuing a career in the Marine Corps. That has been my main goal, and the only goal I have set out for. So now I am forced to re-evaluate my life and future and find some niche in the civilian world. I talked with the OSO and he says he can not offer me a commission if my knees don't heal quickly... AND I GUARANTEE THAT THEY WILL NOT. I've never been forced to consider other career pathways, so it is driving me insane. So now I am pissed off at the world. If you talk with me and I seem like I don't want to talk to you, understand that it is not you I am upset with.

I feel bad for Blake, She has been incredible to me. She helps me dress and puts my socks and shoes on for me. She takes the time to drive me all over town no matter what she is doing. More or less she has dropped everything to make life easier for me. Hell, she'll even come running to me so I don't have to bend over and pick up something I'd dropped. And lately I am just a cranky, pissy, gimp who hobbles around scowling at the world around him. I don't know how she does it for me, but I don't know how I could get by without her here to help me with my everyday tasks.
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