Jan 14, 2007 20:19
That evening walking through the woods there was a feeling of menace. The sun was just setting and the trees were solitary against the golden sky. Hardly anyone used that path and rarely you met another human being. There were many deer, shy and disappearing into the thick growth. Yet the menace was there, heavy and pervading: it was all around you, you looked over your shoulder. There were no dangerous animals; they had moved away from there; it was too close to the spreading town. One was glad to leave and walk back through the lighted streets.
But the next evening the deer were there and the sun shined behind the tallest trees; the menace was gone. On the contrary, the trees, the bushes and the small plants welcomed you. You were among friends, you felt completely safe and most welcome. The woods accepted you and every evening it was a pleasure to walk there.