Jun 07, 2007 19:58

I know, I know, two entries in two days, but.. I just got the most horrible news.

I probably shouldn't even tell you this, because it's kind of upsetting, but.. you remember how my cat died last year?
Well, bygones are bygones, but the thing is, we were actually on the verge of getting a new kitten at the end of June. The cat of a friend of my cousin's gave birth to a set of four and we were already there to call dibs on one of those little fellas ( here are some super blurry pictures I made of them, when they were just two weeks old.. we chose one of the red ones), but, well, as fate would have it, that won't happen. Why? Because apparently yesterday night they were all killed by a horde of martens.. or weasels.. or whatever. The cats weren't held in the house, but in a barn, so no one can say for sure, but fact is that all they found this morning were little.. okay, I'd rather not go there, because the thought of it already makes me sick. I'm just.. in shock, I guess. I'm not so much sad, because obviously that's not going to stop us from getting some other kitten at some other time, but seriously.. that's just so gruesome. And I feel terribly bad for their mother, who probably had to witness all that. Though I wonder why she wasn't able to protect them. Or maybe she's dead, too, I don't know. Okay, sorry, I guess I'm rambling, but I have no idea what to say. Circle of life, my ass. Poor kittens. :(

life sucks

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