well nothing really to update on...all i have been doing (quite literally) is working, sleeping, and a very small amount of partying. last saturday was fucking awesome...went to wonderland with zack, tim, brady, rachel and met up with kyle and his friend jordan. hot ride there, too many browns/shitty tribal tat's, but still had a cool day
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I'll say whatever I want
but to be totally honest, i'm going to have to say "fuck right off please cause you don't win friends with salad."
fucking loser.
I never said what you can/cannot say, but hey, lying isn't cool, or atleast I didn't think it was, but who knows.
And since NOW you're hellbent on being honest, I think I should be too! GO FUCK YOURSELF!
I'll say whatever I want "
and when did i say you couldn't say whatever the fuck you wanted? don't call the kettle black. first of all, i'm not even sure about what i lied about, but i can tell you that i wasn't lieing when i said i had no feelings for you...that was you spreading that rumor, remember fucktard?
like i said..."go write a fucking song about it, you'll make millions." and don't forget your sweater.
you lied that time you and jarom came over and you were all 'jarom has to be home by nine' but really you just wanted to go chill with the guys and stuff...
I would've rather ya just told me.
But no, I had to hear about it from six million other people.
Look, the other rumour that got started, didn't start by me. It did start because someone twisted what I was said around.. but whatever.
Fighting is pointless. This arguging in Livejournal is pointless, and I know, I started it.
I will write a song, I will make millions, and then I can buy so much yarn that I can knit myself sweaters for the rest of my life!
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