Sep 06, 2004 15:44
First off, I would like to mention the eeriness of the total propheticness of peoples dreams of late.
And here is one such dream that is obviously foreshadowing things to come that occurred at LukeLincolnAndrews house last night:
Luke, Mike Sheideggar, and I first went to do a drug deal in a park. Mike was driving and almost hit a little kid. Afterwords we went to Dave and Mike's house which was at about the middle point of a huge steep twisty hill that Mike sped down real fast. Then somehow the car skidded through gravel into the attic where the car rolled on top of me and I crashed through the ground. Then I rolled down these stairs that were covered in damp dirty smelly pillow things. On the way down, Dave tried to warn me about all the rat/mouse poop everywhere, so I kept my mouth/eyes closed for the duration of the trip. Then we saw this guy with real long hair start walking in their yard, and then we all called him a transient a bunch. He came back with like 50 little 10 year old kids with torches and sticks with nails on the end and they were all like, "Let's totally torch this place". So they did and we were like, "Hey don't do that!" So the leader kid came and talked to us, so to calm them down we made breakfast for all the little brats. Luke was making me eggs and broke the yolks and so I got pissed at him and the lead kid was all, "He's doing his best!" and I was all, "Yeah, well he can try harder." So then Luke called the cops on his cell phone while the kids were none the wiser, and suddenly all the kids' parents showed up with the cops and I screamed, "GOT YOU. YOU LITTLE SONS O' BITCHES!"
Around this time, I heard Luke and Lincoln talking so I woke up. So, Just look out for your dreams, cos bad shit will go down.