Nov 10, 2008 13:25
I have no real theme or anything for this post. It's just been awhile since I've posted, so I thought I'd throw out some general thoughts and feelings if you will. So let's begin!
- I know it's been almost a week, but thank god Barack Obama is our president-elect. While I don't care for McCain, I did believe some things he could do would be of some help. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, is so dangerously underqualified, unprepared, and not taken seriously by her own party that I think our country would need to be completely bereft of logic to nominate any ticket with her on it into office. Thankfully, we're not; just about 46% of us are. But McCain got bitch slapped in the Electoral College so all is right with the world. I am actually now a member of JMU Democrats and went to a party on Tuesday night with many like-minded individuals. The reaction there was when Pennsylvania and Virginia were called for Obama was nothing short of astonishing. It was quite the evening and one I will remember fondly. For the first time in awhile, I am optimistic for the future.
- The decision to change my major turned out to be one of the best choices I have ever made. I went from a major I despised and dreaded to one I found very interesting and quite enjoyable. Sure, the work and reading still sucks, but that's going to be the case for any major if you're as lazy as I am. The students and faculty in the Political Science/Public Policy & Administration are radically different from the students and faculty in the Business School (better in each and every way you could name). I have met tons of new, cool people and classmates to talk with and new professors who actually give students the time of day and are willing to hold meaningful conversations with. I knew this semester was going to be a fresh start at JMU, and it has turned out to be so much better than I imagined.
- I can't be the only one who is so happy Thanksgiving break is a mere two weeks away. JMU did not have a fall break, so it has been a long time since we had anything resembling a break from classes (outside of weekends of course). Thanksgiving is so late this year that we have gone almost three months without any time to slow down. That is crazy. I admit, I did take two personal days for Obama's visit to JMU (which I did NOT get in to, even though I waited seven and a half hours in the freezing cold) and the day after the election, but even then I had work to catch up on and such. So 9 days off sounds so good right about now.
- Speaking of Thanksgiving, that means Christmas is around the corner. This also means my wallet is getting gang raped. I know have a soon to be sister-in-law to buy for, which means I am getting her a gift for her birthday (the day after Black Friday) and Christmas in addition to all the other stuff I buy for family and friends on top of that. I admit, I am not in financial dire straits and I don't mind buying her things at all. Shopping is the hassle that annoys me. I really hate going to malls or shopping centers this time of year, so thank goodness the internet's around. But then I have to think about what to get and that is the biggest pain in the ass of all. Once I figure what I'm getting my parents, my soon to be sister-in-law, and friends, I should be okay.
- I saw Zack and Miri Make A Porno last Friday and I thought it was hilarious. I am a big time Kevin Smith fan as most of you know, so it should come as no surprise that I enjoyed his humor once again. This one was a nice fresh feel from his Jay and Silent Bob movies. I admit; with Jersey Girl being the box office flop it was (though I personally found it enjoyable, thank you George Carlin), I was concerned about Kevin Smith's cinematic future with Jay and Silent Bob out of the picture for good. This re-affirmed my faith in Smith's writing abilities, especially the dialogue he writes between characters. I most definitely recommend it to most everyone. It's a nice comedy with plenty of sex jokes, but also has a warm, fuzzy undertone that makes you very happy by the time the end credits role. Beware though, there are some disgusting parts.
- And finally, for the very few of you who care, Brock Lesnar is going to beat Randy Couture and win the UFC Heavyweight Championship this Saturday night. Mark my words.
That's all I have from now. For my Northern Virginian friends, I am home every single day of Thanksgiving break EXCEPT Thanksgiving proper and most of Black Friday. Other than that, I am totally free. So let's have some fun.