Jun 07, 2008 15:23
It's been over 2 months since I've updated, but now I've actually got some things to say. So here goes nothing.
I am loving summer. Yes, I do miss all my JMU friends and JMU itself, but I desperately needed a break. My classes both semesters were a bitch. So much so, that I decided to change my major from Business to Public Policy and Administration with a concentration in Public Management. It's like Business, only I don't have to be involved with a slew of Republican douche bags and it deals with non-profit only. I would be so happy to be involved with Human Resources in some way. I find that I do love interacting with people and helping them, so I hope changing majors isn't all for naught. Plus, two semesters of business courses can't hurt at all. Right now though I am only signed up for THREE CREDITS. I'm screwed. Once my change of major form has been processed, I'll be making many phone calls and e-mails to JMU to get that to change.
Thank god my Dad came through, or else I would more than likely be sitting here still with no job. It is so weird to think of how many people I know who are dying for a job but simply can't find one for one reason or another. So, I am once again working at George Mason, but in a new office with higher pay. I love the people I work with; they are all really nice and easy to talk to. Plus my job isn't hard; I pretty much do a lot of data entry with files. When I'm not doing that, I practically live in the filing cabinets pulling files from a long list. It's boring and tedious, but everyone in the office knows the job sucks and encourages me to take frequent breaks. On top of that, there is one person there each day to help. This is where I go to a new paragraph to break it up a bit.
I work with two different girls; Shannon who is a rising Sophomore at JMU, and Rebekah who is a rising Sophomore and William and Mary. Shannon is fine, but sort of reserved and plain. Rebekah is really awesome; she's quite attractive, outgoing, clever, and easy to get along with. Sadly, I work with Rebekah one day a week and with Shannon two. WHY COULDN'T REBEKAH BE AT JMU GOD DAMN IT?!?! Or at least work with her for two days instead. Life isn't fair sometimes.
When school started last year, I was quite disappointed with how little time I spent with friends. I vowed that I would make this summer count and spend much more time with friends than I did then; so far, so good. It's comforting to know that it's only early June and I have plenty of more time to make this summer count, and that is what I plan to do. Christophe, Devon, Caitlin, I'm talking to you; let's hang out an absurd amount this summer.
I am starting to get excited for Fall too. I am very much looking forward to finally living in an apartment off campus. It's going to be so much fun, I know it. I plan on getting annoyed with Sergio and Jimmy very often. But that aside, it should be GREAT! I am also looking very forward to Cartoon Satire Club starting again. Before then, I have the entire Futurama series to watch. It's the only show in that club I have yet to be disgustingly knowledgeable about, and seeing as how I am the damn President, I need to be. When my Dad questions my presidential integrity for not watching the show, you know it's bad.
My brother is FINALLY engaged! I am so happy and excited for him. Him and his girlfriend Carrie have been dating for five years now, and living together for three. Basically, it wasn't a question of if it was going to happen but when is it going to happen. This also means I am going to be dealt a great deal of responsibility as well. I assume I am going to be his Best Man (though with my brother, you never know) which means a speech, bachelor party, and other assorted responsibilities that quite frankly I don't know if I'll be able to handle. We'll see what happens. Regardless, I am happy that Carrie will be my sister-in-law. She's fucking awesome.
I turn 20 in six days and don't give a shit. Seriously, I have never been as unexcited for a birthday than this year. Oh well, I get cake!
I have two big things I need to buy before the summer is over: 1) DVD shelves and 2) A TV for my room in the apartment (somewhere around 20 inches should do). I may also be purchasing a PS3, as I want a Blu-Ray player and something to play some PS2 games on. And well, a PS3 is both those things, and I have heard it's a pretty darn good little Blu-Ray player as well. But it's also $400, so we shall see about that one.
Alright, I'm running out of steam. I hope this was moderately enjoyable. I'll return when I have something to say again. Till then!