Nov 21, 2006 02:23
everytime i get jealous i just pretend i'm in one of those cheesy prime time sitcoms.
everytime a male gets jealous in one of those sitcoms everyone tells him he's overreacting.
and i'm always sitting in front of the T.V. going "Jeez man calm down! You're making a dick out of yourself in front of millions of Americans!"
So I just tell myself that, and it usually gets me to shut up for a few hours.
I work for a call center now. I'm not supposed to mention where I work on the internet because I can get fired, but it's not something dirty or illegal. It's actually kind of high tech.
I work for one of those companies that has an extremely generic name that is made into an acronym.
When I call in sick to work I get an automated system, and when I don't show up to work it doesn't matter why, as long as I am under 6 'points'.
Once that sixth point roles around I'm fired.
I'm not very close to six, luckily.
My job is also very easy and occassionally entertaining, and a machine not far from my cubicle dispenses an infinite amount of free coffee. I get to talk to people, and I get to be a nerd in public and no one gives me funny looks. Well... not that I can detect - unless i'm in the break room talking to co-workers.
I'm also staying with my girlfriend, which is really awesome but kind of strange since i haven't yet moved. But we will soon, with our good friend casey, to a place we normally wouldn't be able to afford if there weren't three people helping pay.
It's actually where my ex-gf used to live, the Westridge. Real nice.
Anyways, I didn't actually have anything interesting to say. I just needed something to do while my ramen was cooking. And it's done now.
So bye ^_^