Aug 22, 2011 10:19
I know it's been awhile since I posted and I apologize. I'm going to try and get back into the swing of things by continuing my incredibly helpful advice column. If you are one of those people that offends easily, takes everything so seriously, or does not understand "tongue in cheek" or "sarcasm", then this isn't for you. You can suck it.
Dear Kevin,
I knew my mother-in-law would go crazy when we had the first grandchild, but I'm starting to feel resentment. My baby is seven months old. Mom was angry when she wasn't the first to hold her. She drives 50 miles twice a week to visit. She shows up uninvited and ends up wherever we are- the mall, the park, in church, etc. I haven't had one Saturday alone with my husband and daughter in seven months. I work full time and have precious few hours with my child when she's awake. I try to be understanding because I know Mom waited a long time for a grandchild. The final straw was when she quit her job, assuming I would let her babysit. She just showed up at the daycare center, expecting to to take her. - HELP ME, PLEASE!
My Dear Dumbbell,
Are there other dumbass ladies in your family? Because the two of you sound like a matched pair. It's your own fault for not nipping this giant-style crap in the bud from the get go. She complained because she wasn't the first to hold your child? Fine. You should have said "You'll never hold her, EVER then. Be happy with what you get."
I see a pattern here. You haven't had a free Saturday since your child arrived. Try getting up early on Saturday morning and take a little day trip. GO SOMEWHERE before she arrives unannounced. This isn't rocket science.
You could also look at this in a positive way. Childcare is expensive. (Children are a burden!) If this woman wants to be a babysitter, then let her. It's called free labor and you should take it. There are other parents out there that would kill for a free babysitter.
If your time with your child during her waking hours is so limited, perhaps you shouldn't have had a child in the first place.
Dear Kevin,
Do you have a good recipe for meatloaf?- Clueless In My Kitchen
My Dear Clueless,
Yes, I do.
Dear Kevin,
My little girl, who is in the first grade, spilled nail polish on our new white Rumpus Room shag carpeting. She tried to clean it up by pouring bleach on the stain. How do I fix this problem without replacing the carpet?- At The End Of My Rope
My Dearest End Of Rope,
You don't. I have two suggestions: 1.) Drop that little twat off at your nearest children's shelter, she will only bring more heartache and who needs that? 2.) Move.
Who buys white carpeting anyway? And SHAG- what is this? 1976?
dear kevin