Fun At The Grocery Store, part 867.

Jun 09, 2009 13:11

I had fun again at the grocery store today. It wasn't as fun as:

1.) The time I lost a bunch of weight and my shorts fell down whilst in the cat food aisle.

2.) The time the power went out and a blind man asked me "what the f*ck is going on here??"

3.) The time a woman tried to get a date with me while I was inspecting milk dates, calling me "grade A prime beef... THE KIND I LIKE... YES!"

4.) The time a cashier asked me what I was doing in the grocery store on a Sunday, during a Colts football game. I told her that I don't care about football. She told me she had never heard of a man not caring about football and wanted to know what I did for fun. I told her I sleep with men.

(All of these experiences can be found in detail elsewhere in my journal.)

No, today wasn't nearly as great as those times but it still rates a mention in my journal. As I walked into the store, a big black woman waited in her car for her son to go inside and get what she needed. As he was entering the store, she got on a LOUDSPEAKER THAT WAS ATTACHED TO HER CAR and said, very calmly, "Don't forget THE RED and THE SUNNY D., Bubba."
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