(no subject)

Jan 13, 2006 00:10

I say, follow your dreams. Be happy doing what you do. It's vague, but it's what you need to do for you. If anything, if you dislike criticism, no way you should do it. But... you are a good critic. So criticize on your own terms, doing something else you love. I know a famous musician that is a contributing editior for the Official Playstation magazine. That's the kind of critical writing I see you doing (obviously not limited to videogames :-))

my dance teacher has the best way of putting it, I think:
"If your job is something that you like to do, you never work a day in your life!"

I want to enjoy my work, because damn it, if I have to work all the time, I'd really like to enjoy it

Kev, I think highly of your criticism, but it resonates in me that you are a hobbyist in the field. Don't get paid to be the bad guy ;-) I see you doing something else, more gratifying and doing it on the side. I DO see you doing it, but for FUN!
I honestly do see you doing it on the side, and looking up your underground blogs when I'm in the industry - it'll be my secret sauce

Sometimes it takes a talk with friends to really get some further perspective and reassurance.

To quote Margaret Johnson: I know what I have to do.

Possibly working at Convenient? I think it would be a good time. Things are starting to get in order. Maybe now I can actually keep track of the days.

Got ridiculously drunk the other evening, drunkest I've been since the "Sunday in the Park With George" cast party. It started off with a few glasses of wine, then followed by some SVU brilliance (the first episode to focus on ME Melinda Warner, played by the gorgeous and talented Tamara Tunie, who's just been elevated to regular status). It's obvious they're doing it to cover up Mariska's pregnancy, as she was absent a bulk of the episode, and wore a bulky coat in one scene and carried case files strategically in front of her stomach). Great episode, as usual. Always innovative in their writing. Anyway, I had lots of Harp, got ripped and came home. Yup. good times.

Nothing much else to report. At all.
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