Stoners, door locks, and missing televisions.

Feb 01, 2013 15:34

UGH what a night.

So about two in the morning, there's a bunch of loud pounding and banging from the room directly over the lobby. My first impression is that some idiot has locked themselves out of the room, and is too drunk to deal with it in a mature fashion. Sure enough, the guy comes down. His key apparently works, but the door won't open. Right away, I'm getting 'twitchy stoner' vibes off the guy, so I make SURE he's got the right room. He's convinced that there is someone in his room, and all his stuff is in there, and etcetcetc... He's best described as 'agitated', to the point that he keeps interrupting me while I'm trying to verify everything, and make sure things are as they should be.

It takes a bit, but after some trial and error, I'm able to determine that no, the deadbolt hasn't been thrown, nor the security lock engaged. What he's dealing with is a door lock that is refusing to open. While dealing with this, the guy's friends (baby-momma and her current fling) storm out of the hotel in a huff, after some considerable argument. It should be noted that the baby-momma is the one whose card is on file, having rented two rooms, of which the stuck door was one.

The guy is still adamant that someone is in his room, etc, and I'm not able to get the door open. I resort to calling the manager, who has been going three days on a diet of cigarettes and energy drinks while studying. Manager tinkers with the door for a while, finally gets it open...
"So... uh... where's the TV?"

Yeah, the room was *trashed*, the flatscreen TV missing, and cigarette butts EVERYWHERE.

Needless to say, we will be charging a /considerable/ fee to the card on file. Police are called, just to get everything down, though we'll likely just handle things civilly. I expect the charge to be contested, but good luck there.

Icing on the cake: Stoner guy comes BACK, expecting to get into a new room. We are polite but firm in our requirement for a new card, and new identification, from him specifically, before we let him anywhere near one of our rooms again. He bemoans how the police impounded his car, etc... He spins a few stories, but it comes out that the cops tried to pull him over, and in trying to get away, he crashed his car... what an idiot.

*sigh* So yeah.. that's my annual 'dealing with the dregs of humanity', I hope.
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