Btw, I also finished my last Undergrad class

Mar 23, 2009 20:21

So I was looking around my room today while taking a break from watching Prison Break Season 1 I started to think about my assorted possessions. So many I've come to care very little for, just clutter, filling up space that I think would be more beautiful and meaningful empty. However a number of things struck me in a way that they hadn't before, like they together they should be providing some kind of lesson, i didn't know what to take from it, thusly I'm here on LJ recording the experience so I can reflect on it later.

`Collected, tortured and executed Toon Alligators
`Matrix Reloaded Poster
`Cartoon Cow rug
`Super Mario Bro.s 2 stickers
`My Bulletin Board with the Rydia drawings, photos from my 18th birthday wtih Keva and Brittany Leonard, photos with Krystal and coz Sean at TLC, a few photos i've been given over the years, a 3rd grade valentine from Alexis Eggertsen [it says among other things that I'm a good worker]
`My cut-out Hitler drawing
`Photos of my favorite batch of kittens my family has had [incl. Mr. Phubie]
`RP Mallet of doom
`Happy bday cake drawing from Brittany Leonard

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