SF & F Masquerade

Apr 27, 2008 01:39

There are more photos from Saturday evening in my Saturday photos.

After closing Site Selection, Raven O'Neill helped me take the Cart o' Stuff back up to my room. By then it was close to time for the SF & F Masquerade to open. There was a queue that stretched down the stairs and toward the Dealers' Room entrances, so Raven and I sat down and waited until the queue started to move before heading in to find seats on the wings. Everyone who wanted a seat got one.

Masquerade MC johnnyeponymous was obliged to vamp for a while before the show started. My experiments in available-light photography with my camera led me to conclude that while I can shoot without a flash, I can only do so if people hold still, and holding still is neither Chris' long suit or the likely way the Masquerade participants would be. I therefore gave up any hope of shooting photos during the event. As it happened, the scrum outside the even was so big that I only managed a few photos (all in the collection), along with a few photos of people in costume who were not in the Masquerade.

There were 48 entries in the Masquerade, and the standard of costumes was very high. Alas, there were quite a few tech glitches (which the chair and event director apologized for at the conclusion of the awards), through which participants gamely worked. The audience was in a good mood and seemed to go with the flow and was sympathetic.

I'll leave further reporting on the actual results to others, mainly because I didn't undertake to be a reporter on this one.

After the first run through, I realized that I hadn't eaten a whole lot since breakfast (although I did have several small snacks throughout the day) and made for the Coffee Garden lest I keel over. Raven had bailed out about 2/3 through the event for similar reasons. I went back upstairs as the ancillary awards were being presented, and stayed through the end of awards. The event ended just about the stroke of midnight, and I and the other half-dozen or so people who had volunteered to help went downstairs to help tape a string of lights to the other stage being used for Sunday's "runway show."

Then it was up to the parties for short while, but it was after 1 AM and I was fading out, as I am now, but I wanted to get these photos online before going to bed, so I went downstairs to use the internet. I'm going to post this and get back upstairs and in to bed.


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