Also: of all the places in the Universe you could move...a penal colony? Really? That's just asking for a terrible life. ETA: seriously: further thoughts on this. Why? I understand why people moved to Australia, but Earth has a limited amount of liveable landmass. The Universe does not. I really feel that race should have considered other options. Maybe the Galvans would have made them their own pocket dimension, that was not populated by rapists and murderers. JUST A THOUGHT. My mind has also started to wander in the obvious direction of rapist/murderer/Asteroid tiller interbreeding, BUT I DO NOT WANT TO DISCUSS IT, BECAUSE THAT KINK BELONGS TO OTHER PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT ME.
"Are you still a doctor, Animo?"
"Because it hurts when I do this!"
Best hero line of the series.
...Grandpa Max is wearing Mike Morningstar's pre-Darkstar outfit. That's...interesting. I mean, I know Mike doesn't need it anymore, but you wouldn't think it would fit the old guy.
Max calls Gwen Pumpkin too. XD
More coherent thought: I don't think Max should have stayed. Who cares if everyone is "safe"? It's a penal colony. And he wasn't so concerned 5 years ago when he threw Vilgax in there. Compared to Vilgax, the Guardians are sweet and cuddly puppies.
But it's good he's not dead, anyway. Don't even get me started on the writing that got us here, or occurred in this episode, just bask in the Max-isn't-dead-ness with me.