Senate OKs $800B Debt Limit Hike - I dont know how I missed this but look at this paragraph from the link above:
Administration officials urged lawmakers to act quickly. The government reached its $7.38 trillion borrowing cap last month, and since then the Treasury Department has paid federal bills by taking cash from a civil service retirement account, which it plans to repay.
You know what Osama Bin Ladin said in the last tape, that he would bleed us economically dry..just like he did the Soviets in Afghanistan. You know the Soviets didnt see it coming, it has been said that the biggest failure of the KGB was its inability to forsee the collapse of the Soviet Union. I have trouble thinking that this is an actual possibility here. The biggest question this raises with me is what would happen next? The Soviets had capitalism and democracy to move towards, but what do we have to move towards?
Back on track...the actual people of the Soviet Union didnt see it coming...I guess a change that huge was outside of their mental maps...their mazeways of cognition. If you dont have a concept for what your life will be like in a completely unknown situation, can you even see that big of a change coming?