(no subject)

Jan 17, 2006 20:24

so saturday night was one of the best swimming nights i have ever had...i went a minute flat in my 100 yard butterfly so that means i have 2 seconds until i make my state time!!!! :)!!!!

sunday wasnt bad i kinda chilled around the house all day until kimmy came and picked me up and we went to church...after that we went grocery shopping and then went to riverside and split a pizza...which was most amazing...after that we went to nick's house with everyone and shot some pool watched some movies and just had an overall good time so that was really fun

yesterday was not so fun...i was stuck in the house all day helping to resolve a crisis but w/e...last night was up sick most of the night so i didnt go to school today and im still kinda sick

anyways...it turns out this weekend started good but today and yesterday have been some of the worst days i have had in a long time but hopefully things will start looking up

oh yea and is there ANYBODY out there who wants to go with me to the fall out boy concert?!

Once more, I need to ask everyone who reads this to please go to www.marinlove.com and read Marin's journal to understand what's going on. She really really needs help this time so I hope that everyone will sign her guestbook. Thanks

thats all for now..

still dunno what to do about the whole prom thing :/...

-k dascall
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