Oct 09, 2007 22:02
A lot has happened since last I wrote. (Well, okay, that's not entirely true, although really, I wrote that birthday entry ages ago; it's just that I just now made the time to post it.)
What you didn't know, because I didn't want to jeopardize my position at O-Bar, because once it happened I had next to no time to tell you, and because, probably, I was afraid it wouldn't last, is that I have a new job. Two weeks ago, I think, after I'd received my first paycheck, I put the job on myspace and facebook. A week ago I started writing this entry. I delayed (see reason number three above) but today co-worker/kind-of-boss Art said something that to me meant "I'm glad you're so comfortable in this job" and I knew it was time.
I'm working as an assistant at Pantheon, a small talent agency in Century City. There was a week of hell where I was working full time at Pantheon and still putting in almost twenty-five hours at O-Bar, and even now waking up at 7:00 a.m. to be at work by 8:30 is tough, finding the energy to make dinner and write after getting home at 8:00 p.m. is tougher -- but I like it. It's a significant bump in pay, it's new and fun, it's closer, but admittedly not quite close enough, to where I want my career to be.
I'm still working Saturdays and Sundays at O-Bar. The extra $100+ and seeing co-workers I consider a kind of family is nice, but I wonder how long I'll be able to pull it off. It's already hard enough to keep my apartment clean, run all the necessary errands and force myself to go out and have a drink one night a week -- what happens when pilot season rolls around?
I feel very grown up. I wear a tie to work. I ditched the bookbag I've had since (at least) freshman year of high school for a sleek black messenger. I have a lunch hour, a salary, and after ninety days, a 401k. It's strange -- not at all where a year ago I thought I'd be -- but I like it.
To everyone in general, sorry I've been away; I'll try to do better.
To Mina in particular: hang in there. Things will change, and for the better. I have absolute faith that you will land on your feet -- just keep positive. In the mean time, get to those wedding invitations. I'm looking very much forward to receiving mine....