Dec 07, 2017 08:48
This has been a hell of a year. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. And last year was the WORST. Like a literal country song. And I HATE country music. #theMusicOfBigotry
This year has been so, so hard, and I cannot say how thankful I am for this Holiday season, and the chance to really reflect on its meaning. And I'm not talking about Christmas. I love the pageantry of Christmas - the lights and songs and presents and food and decorations, but when it comes down to it, I CANNOT get down with the whole lore its rooted in. You know, virgin births and putting the entire hopes and dreams of the world onto one baby. That is a LOT of pressure to grow up under. And I can't get down with a star supposedly appearing in the sky that none of the other anally retentive documenters of the Heavens and astronomy all around the world record happening. I cannot buy any of that as being real.
No, I'm talking about the Winter Solstice. I have spent a lot of time this year - a good chunk of it - having no hope in the future whatsoever. I mean, personally, it's a lot of depressing stuff going on. And who thought we could be worse off the fucking George Bush? But that's what has made the Winter Solstice so meaningful to me right now. It is literally the DARKEST DAY of the year. But with that, we have hope that there will be more light to come. And light and warmth is coming. And the Solstice is something I can actually see and experience, and it's a promise that I have seen fulfilled every year of my life. That is something that I can have faith in. I can take that and apply it to my life. I can relate to that WAY more than a story about people in ancient Israel with a lot of supernatural plot elements. I LOVE the glitz and glitter that has resulted from that, but in terms of what's in my heart this time of year, the Winter Solstice is where it's at for me. I'm looking for the light within myself while it's dark, and reminding myself that it will get brighter.
It always has before.