Why am I doing this?

Oct 11, 2009 14:35

I signed on to therealljidol, to be honest, on a wine-induced whim.

That's great, but now I find myself asking myself why I would do such a thing when I am generally a very private person who takes a loooong time to open up to a very few people. My persona can alternate between being quite bland, a little twitchy and, usually less in writing than in person believe it or not, aggressively outspoken.

I've only recently been identifying a personal quest to be more authentically ME and less what I think I ought to be in a given situation. Killing the chameleon, if you will. Simply identifying the quest is a big step, overcoming the propensity to clam up and dart back into the shadows as a result is my challenge.

We'll see how it goes.
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