(no subject)

Aug 24, 2003 19:50

school starts tomorrow...for me anyway...and i haven't even gotten into a summer mood yet. no good. summer homework? nope, didn't do that. back to school shopping? nope, not that either. found my backpack? negative. maybe i'll just stay home tomorrow, who needs school anyways? i learn the most during the summer anyways, such as when the flashing lights are coming closer and closer to YOU, that means you're getting pulled over...i also learned that with a few cool people, a good frisbee will never let you down. oh yeah, and don't burn out in public park parking lots, old douchebags that never had a childhood get mad. so for these very important life lessons and more, i say no more school...so if you don't see me in class or in the halls tomorrow, thats cuz i'm boycotting everything it stands for. aka, i'm out driving somewhere, with no destination in mind, listening to some tom petty and drinking a slurpee. all while you're learning about why we put our names on the top of our papers. have a good one.
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