Comment to this entry and I’ll pick three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions
1.What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2.Do you think you’ll stay in this fandom eventually or move on?
3.Favorite episodes/books/novels/etc.?
4.Do you participate in this fandom (fanfictions, graphics, discussions)?
5.Do you think more people should get into this fandom?
1. Ever since I was... I dunno six maybe, I've watched Power Rangers from its humble beginnings of 'teenagers with attitude' to journeys to new worlds to even Ninjas and a post-apocalyptic future. There's something about the show that makes me wonder and hope.
2. I'll stay long after the show has been over, as it was one of my true fandoms.
3. Lots them but... Fighting Spirit, Samurai's Journey, Doctor K, One Last Second Chance, Frax's Fury, Time Force Traitor, The Master's Last Stand, Escape the Lost Galaxy, and several others I could name.
4. Yes. One fanfic but I do plan on a PR x-over eventually with a certain series.
5. I do. I think more people should give PR a chance, it has some really great stories to tell and I hope it continues on.
1. I'll be honest. When I first saw Digimon way back in '99, I thought it was horrible. But when I started watching the episodes from Prisoner of the Pyramid way back in the Etemon arc I started feeling the show's potential. So much so, I even created a fan-digimon in my mind for that purpose. But that was a long time ago too.
2. If the series ever continues? I'll likely still be a digimon fan, diminished but not gone.
3. Any episodes that focused on the Internationals, Black War Greymon's Destiny, Lionheart, pretty much any ep with Kurata, Glean Eggs and Scram(bad dub name but great ep), and another great eps: Kazu's Upgrade and Ne'er the Twins Shall Meet.
4. I don't really write in it, but I do try to keep with some of the good writers that do and try to review as much as possible. The Interantional Chosen need much love.
5. Yes. If more Digimon series are brought to life we would get much more lively characters. For personal reference there is no Digimon series I dislike but Frontier would be my least favorite as far as its is compared to other seasons.
1. Pokemon is/was my very first fandom as soon as I saw the episodes 'March of Exeggutor Squad' and 'Showdown in Dark City'. And thanks to the fortunes of the internet, I saw some pretty good Pokemon fics in the making. A pity some of those fics are no longer around.
2. If being 25 hasn't changed my mind, I doubt anything would. *laughs*
3. A Poached Ego, A Legend of Thunder, On a Wingull and a Prayer, Aiding the Enemy, Fighting Fear with Fear, and several others.
4. Nope. Though I do help with a digimon/pokemon fic called Digicross Advanced.
5. I've also thought of pokemon as something that anyone regardless of age could enjoy. Most people that do hate it, do so without giving it a chance.