open! pleeeease someone talk to him! haha

Nov 28, 2009 14:52

Ah, Saturday. Kevin decided to stay asleep for as long a time as possible, as a reward for all the hard work he had put in this past week ( Read more... )

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itsandytime November 29 2009, 00:38:25 UTC
Studying on a Saturday morning felt rather unbecoming for Andy. He made the excuse to himself that the women in the school ran him ragged during the week, so this was his only time to do it, but deep down it was really just because he was a nerd.

Glancing up from his book, Andy spotted Kevin, looking slightly disheveled, as he stopped dead in front of the dining hall. Taking in a combination of his appearance, and what he knew about the boy, Andy was able to make a fairly quick judgement.

"Let me guess," he called out to Kevin with a knowing grin, "Snuck out of your dorm so as not to wake up a sleeping girl, forgot your keys and money?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 00:47:44 UTC
Kevin laughed lightly and scratched the back of his head. "Am I that predictable?" he asked, looking around.


itsandytime November 29 2009, 00:54:06 UTC
Hopping down from his seat and shrinking his book to slide into his pocket, Andy said, "Nah. I just recognize the uniform.. I've worn it myself on quite a few mornings. If I buy you a victory breakfast, will you get me back later?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 04:04:53 UTC
Letting out a sigh of relief and gratitude all at the same time, Kevin said, "Yeah, of course, thanks mate!"


itsandytime November 29 2009, 04:06:34 UTC
Nodding, Andy said brightly, "But of course. Golden rule, and all. Whatcha feelin'? Also, any idea who the girl was?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 04:33:08 UTC
Kevin shrugged. "Maybe just a coffee and some eggs. Need to wake up a little," he said, stifling a yawn.

"The girl? Err, no. Cute though, from what I saw. Only thing I remember is that her name starts with a J."


itsandytime November 29 2009, 04:39:43 UTC
Nodding, Andy began into the dining hall saying, "Sounds agreeable. I may have the same thing myself, now that you mention it."

Laughing, Andy couldn't help but commiserate. He'd been in the same situation several times before.

"Very nice. From the Quidditch party last night?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 04:44:10 UTC
Kevin made a face while walking alongside Andy. "Oy, I don't even remember where I was. Last thing I remember doing was shots of firewhiskey in some bloke's room..."

He breathed in the scents of the hall around him. "Ah, food."


itsandytime November 29 2009, 04:53:30 UTC
"Niiiice!" Andy declared, "Sounds like you had a good night."

Agreeing with the sentiment, Andy took a deep breath, almost tasting the many flavors in the air.

As they approached the food line, Andy pondered the selection before him, before grabbing a plate of chicken.

"Screw the eggs... I'm going for the grownup version."


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 05:08:20 UTC
"Pretty good I guess," Kevin nodded, "Gotta go a little easier on the whiskey next time."

Laughing at Andy's plate choice, Kevin stuck with the plain plate of eggs he had decided on before.

Now that he had to think about it, he was starving but nauseous at the same time, with a pounding headache. Classic hangover symptoms. He couldn't help but let out an "Ughh," while massaging his throbbing temples.


itsandytime November 29 2009, 05:18:53 UTC
Nodding, Andy agreed, "That firewhiskey's a killer. I've made a regular arse of myself more times than I'd care to count cause of that stuff."

Taking a sip of orange juice, he added sympathetically, "It's a son of a bitch the next morning too."

Thinking for a second, Andy tentatively asked, "Hey mate... I don't suppose you like a.. uh... I don't suppose you smoke, do you? It's a great hangover cure. I found a gorgeous White Wizard plant growing out behind the Greenhouse which I may or may not have snagged a couple buds off of."


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 05:26:47 UTC
Kevin took a gulp of his black coffee. Never before had coffee tasted so amazing. With a few bites of egg he was in pure bliss.

"Mmph," he nodded in agreement, mouth so full of food he could no longer speak in coherent sentences.

Cocking an eyebrow, Kevin leaned forward in interest, chewing his food contemplatively. "Hmm...never tried it before," he said after swallowing, "but what the hell, right?"


itsandytime November 29 2009, 05:36:28 UTC
Grinning widely, Andy said, "That's what I like to hear. We'll give it a whirl after we finish up here. Your overnight guest may have even headed home by the time we're done."

Digging in to his chicken, Andy asked around a mouthful of food, "So, taking any interesting classes this semester?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 05:45:40 UTC
"Yeah, hopefully she leaves my key in an easy location," he grinned, too enthusiastic to truly care.

He nodded rapidly after taking another swig of coffee. "Loads, actually. Being a future Unspeakable has its perks," he said, taking another large forkful of food. "How about you?"


itsandytime November 29 2009, 05:50:32 UTC
Chuckling, Andy said, "Or she'll be spiteful and chuck it out a window. Here's hoping you showed her a good time last night."

Swallowing his bite of chicken, Andy said, "Nice! I think you're the first Unspeakable-in-training I've run into... I'm shooting for an Auror position myself, so I'm basically loaded down with a bunch of Charms, Transfiguration, and Defense classes.. I gotta catch up on my Potions though, I'm falling a bit behind there... Never really liked it all that much, more interesting subjects to be learned, you know?"


kev_whitby November 29 2009, 14:31:23 UTC
Kevin raised his coffee cup with a smirk on his face, then took a sip.

"An Auror? Brill!" he nodded along, interested. "Yeah, I've never been much of a Potions fan myself. Guess we've got Snape to blame for that."


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