Damn, haven't posted much lately, have I?
First things on the agenda - the party went GREAT. I love having folks over, and I'm glad that y'all enjoyed yourselves. >D Much food was had, made the best steak ever, ate the best pie ever (Pumpkin Creme Pie... oooo.... :O~), played crazy DOA and CVS 2, and had a good healthy non-gay man-hugging moment when Optimus Prime died in the 20th anniversary re-mastered edition of "Transforms: The Movie". >D
Though post-party I'm saddled with an over-abundance of food since I figured more people were gonna show, but unceremoniously didn't. Regardless, the more people who're in my apartment, the exponentially smaller it all seems, so maybe the gathering that was there was just right. >D Plus there's only so much cooling two A/Cs can do in November! So once again, my thanks go out to Val, Mar, Dave, Tom, Jess, Chris, Dustin, Stefan, and John for attending! You're welcome back any time. By the way John, how was that TWELVE HOURS at the airport? Hehehe.
In other news, work goes well, despite the ever-present speed bump. Today's work assignment? GET FINGERPINTED. Yeah, that's always fun. But soon the NASD and the SEC will know all about yours truly. I can't wait to get this licensing taken care of and get the ball rolling with the fun new things that'll let me do at work. I'm looking forward to it, to say the least.
Hrmmm... I feel kinda weird today and I'm not sure why. Maybe that's why this post doesn't feel as wacky, eccentric, or deep as any other post I've made.
I've come to the conclusion (quite randomly, mind you) that I don't like asking people to do things for me, since I always assume it's a major burden. However, one cannot get by without the kindness of others, so I do it. It's just a weird note to mention.
Also, I've come to the conclusion I need a new set of icons. Because god-DAY-um these sucks are out of date! Though my hair is actually getting long again. In... mmm, I'd say another month or so it'll once again be as long as in this icon's picture. I'm still on the fence as to whether I should cut it or not!
The main reason I was keeping it long was actually for FF XII cosplay. See, I couldn't (and still can't) decide if I want to make a Basch costume or not! I've already been suckered into making Balthier (damn you Lionel! >D), but scar-boy is pretty fuggin' cool, too. Though I say this without having played the game, so.... Heh, yeah, I gotta get my damned hands on that game before I literally run out of time to play it. O_o;;
So I think that's all I have to say! I'm fucking PSYCHED about AUSA, though. It should be a damned good time, and I'm really looking forward to getting to hang out with peoples I haven't seen in a while. Yeah boyee. With that, though, I depart. For bed? For "Dead Rising"? We shall see.
EDIT: Everyone go to
My Flickr Account for a few crappy pictures of my apartment (and of course by "apartment" I mean "kickass TV" XD). Also, a few other random choice pics from my life. >D