Mar 10, 2010 01:47
[Filtered from RED Medic and Tattoi; 90% unhackable]
That monster, that complete and utter nightmare... they brought him here, too. [Might seem an odd choice of words to most, but it's quite offensive where he comes from. :|b] Even worse, I don't think I can hold him off this time. Not enough energy. I need to start training in something... [It trails off here, but resumes a few moments later.]
Everyone, you're in danger. The Malnosso have brought someone else from my world; a sick, twisted bastard named Tattoi. He's the same race as I am, but he's a bit taller and slimmer, and dark gray instead of dark blue. He has steam-powered prosthetics made out of a silvery metal, and he usually wears flexible armor. If you see him, do not -- no, hmm... if he approaches you, be polite and kind, but keep in mind that he is evil. Pretend to aid him if you must, but don't go through with it.
[Filtered to Nami; 90% unhackable]
Nami, has your situation improved? James is still gone, and I need somewhere safer to stay for now. I don't know how capable you lot are, but from what I've been hearing, it's very.