The Singapore70.3 took place almost 3 weeks ago. All things considered, I had a decent race. My race post is locked for various reasons and this post is clearly about what's been happening since the Singapore70.3.
One of the biggest issues I had about the Taiwan70.3 was recovery. I didn't recover well from that race and even now I still feel the effects of that, such as Achilles twinges from time to time (thankfully this is becoming more infrequent). So this was something that I really wanted to focus on for the Singapore70.3, especially since Busselton70.3 would be about six weeks after.
The plan was to do almost no exercise for the week after the race, only swim and go for massages. What happened post-race was that I got inundated in a tsunami of work. That meant that I did zero exercise as I was locked to my desk from 7:30 to midnight everyday. I couldn't even squeeze out 2 hours to get a massage! It was an exhausting week. The week after was a little better on the work front and my coach took it easy on me at training.
The past week has been my first serious week back at training. It's my last training block for the busselton70.3. I seem to have gotten a big fitness boost from doing the Singapore70.3 and the two week recovery. Swimming and riding are the two main things that I've felt strong at. I would say that I am riding particularly well. Shrek and I have really meshed and I have been able to ride with the stronger club riders, something that I haven't been able to do before. I haven't been running all that much since Singapore70.3 so can't tell if I've improved on that front.
So I think recovery has gone well for this race and this will probably be the same recovery plan I will follow after the busselton70.3.
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