I've started training for my second 70.3, which will be in Singapore. Given that the training for the first one is still a recent memory, I just assumed that the process and more importantly the pain and tiredness would be about the same.
A week into the process, I have been pleasantly surprised. Don't get me wrong, it is still tough but the accompanying aches and tiredness isn't as bad. In fact, it's almost been non-existent. I remember feeling completely trashed after my first week into the process and I think the program was easier then. I guess much can be said for residual fitness.
This time round, I am dealing with different issues, such as weather and niggling injuries. It's winter now in hong kong and i've traditionally taken it off because I don't like training when it is this cold. As the Singapore 70.3 is in mid march, I don't really have a choice and just have to suck it up. It's really the getting out of bed and the first 10 to 15 min on the bike and run that is tough. Once I warm up, it's actually ok. The easiest thing to train for now is the bike as I can just spin indoors and watch tv at the same time. I'm nursing Achilles injuries from last season. This probably came about from failure to recover properly from the Taiwan 70.3. It just means I have to be very religious about stretching and focus on technique when I ride and run. I'm hoping it will go away but the reality is that I'm always going to have to manage it. If all stays well, I have promised the achilles that I will spend two to three months after the busso 70.3 focusing on Pilates and yoga to stretch and relax them.
So yeah, the second time round of training for the 70.3 seems to be going fairly well so far. Hope it stays that way!
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