chocolate chip orange cake

Feb 05, 2009 16:44

I had a training call for Stand for Children's upcoming rally and lobby day today. New forecasts come out every few weeks, each more dire than the last. So I'm still not sure exactly what our agenda for the day is going to be, but it seems like it would necessarily include revenue reform for stability (because our current forecasting and kicker system is notoriously unstable), and revenue increases.

So imagine that you're sitting down to meet with your representative in his or her office in the capitol, with a few like-minded fellow constituents. Imagine that, like me, that you've never met your representative before. Imagine asking for tens or hundreds of millions of dollars. And saying that you'll support measures to increase revenue to get it, and if revenue increases (i.e. more taxes) seems politically risky right now, you'll back them up.

Now, think about that again, only this time imagine that there are five thousand people (that's what, eighty schoolbusses full?) standing outside the building, with their kids, banners, and ukuleles there to support that message.

Does that make a difference in how you feel in that meeting?
(Not rhetorical! If that does bring up any thoughts for you, I'd love to hear about it in a comment.)

Now I gotta run -- one of my schoolteacher friends has invited us out for happy hour -- so I'll leave you with an invitation from Jonah Edelman.

rally, politics, stand for children, lobby

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