Mar 13, 2008 13:04
Everybody has dreams. Someone wants to be rich, someone dreams about a big family and a good job.Once, I had a dream too.I wanted to be a rock star.
Me and four other long-haired leather jacket guys decided to fulfill this dream 22 years ago. We had just started high school, we were young, angry kings of the world, and the most important, we rocked.
Like many other bands, we started out by playing songs of our favorite bands. Later, me and the band singer, Jake got fed up with playing the same songs over and over again. We tried, if we could do own own music, and believe it or not, we managed to compose some magnificent songs. After months of training, our music teacher arranged us our very first real gig in a local youth club. Among the crowd there was a boss of a big recording company. We were lucky, and of course so talented, and after six months and over fifty gigs, we signed our first recording contract. And that's how it started.
As our third album came out, we were standing on top of the world. Everyone knew us, we had tens of thousands fans, even newspapers were talking about us as "The huge success story". The next ten twelve years were the time of my life, I was living in my dream. We played thousands of gigs all over the world, in big stadiums. We got drunk, and did all kinds of stupid things. Media was following our every step, who had been seen with who and who had been where. I was a real rock star.
But, there's a time and a place for everything. I had my dream, and there came the day when everything ended.
Jake shot himself. The whole world was shocked. Our fans cried, newspapers wrote. It was the bitter end of my dream, crushing return to the reality.
And look at me now. A 39-year-old man with no family, no friends you could take seriously, no proper education.
This was my dream come true, but still, sometimes when watching old photos and reading old articles, I wish that we all Five could play together in big stadium full of people, once more.
my life as a musician