A mama checks in with her gender queer girly boy. I am really grateful to be parenting at this time, as opposed to any earlier -- I speak on historical terms and not my own personal age. I love that gender queerness and gender fluidity is gaining acceptance for wee folk... that gender neutral is something to aspire to, instead of the heavily-gendered life we all grew up in.
I think we're going to get
this balance bike for Fire Child.
optimystik and I would love to get him a wooden one, but we think the metal one suits our needs better and will last longer. Update: wow, that was fast. N just ordered the red one. Hopefully it'll be here in time for the boy's 3rd birthday in two weeks.
Holy crap, it's summer and I'm knitting again! I'm finally making the strap to go with
this pixie hat for the wolfling. For a 3-season knitter like me, this is just unheard of. And very happy-making.
Someday, in another life that doesn't involve massive student loan debt, I'd love to be able to
travel like this with my family.
Until then, I'll just focus on a different sort of freedom: