More reason to boycott Nestle

May 12, 2010 18:01

Nestle sells babyfood in Germany. On the packaging, it says this:

ORIGINAL GERMAN: Strampeln, Strecken, Greifen - je aktiver Ihr Baby wird, desto mehr Energie braucht es. Ihre Muttermilch bzw. das Fläschchen bleibt zwar erstmal Nahrungsgrundlage. Doch nach dem 4. Monat genügt das allmählich nicht mehr, um Ihr Kleines mit allem Nötigen zu versorgen. So rückt der große Moment näher: Das erste Löffelchen!

ENGLISH TRANSLATION: Kicking, stretching, grabbing - the more active your baby gets, the more energy he needs. Your breast milk or infant formula continues to provide the basic nutrition for your baby. But starting at 4 months, it is no longer sufficient to provide your little one with everything he needs. That means the big moment is approaching: The first spoonful!

The labels and the website information makes it 100% clear that in Germany Nestle has not completed label changes on complementary foods to follow the 6-months recommendation or done anything else to demonstrate its support of the this recommendation. In fact, they continue to tell women that breastmilk is no longer sufficient after 4 months of age.

Not only does this show that they clearly do not support the WHO resolution changing the duration of exclusive breastfeeding to 6 months (despite their claim that they do), but it also calls into question whether you can believe anything else that they say. If they would and have lied about something that can be so easily verified by walking into any store selling Nestle baby food in Germany, what wouldn’t they lie about?

Additionally, it still astounds me that a)many doctors and pediatricians are still recommending solids at 4 months, instead of 6 months and that b)many doctors and pediatricians are not aware of the WHO recommendation of breastfeeding until AT LEAST 2 years of age (and beyond) and that the Canadian Pediatric Society's recommendation is in complete alignment with the WHO recommendation.

If our doctors are not educated about this, how can we trust them about other matters? It's frustrating when parents are misinformed by doctors and then have that misinformation bite them in the butt later. I wish more people took greater responsibility for their own healthcare and for the healthcare of their children. Your body and your child's body is YOUR responsibility. A doctor is someone you go to when you're having problems figuring things out on your own. If you don't like what they have to say, well, that's why second opinions exist.

As an additional note on baby feeding and baby food, La Leche League has a saying: "Food before 1 is just for fun." This means that you don't NEED to start solids (with any amount of gusto) until age 1. Boob is still sufficient as the sole provider of nutrition. And even when solids ARE introduced, a lot of babies just don't go for it until age one or even later. Nothing wrong with that as long as they're still gaining weight and height.

As for Nestle: they're a multi-national corporation that exists on making you believe you need to buy their shit to make your lives or the lives of your children easier. That's what marketing is all about: mindfucking you into thinking you need $product. Think for yourself; do your research and please stop supporting these baby-killers.

medical, food, babies, questioning everything, bad things, breastfeeding

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