Aug 22, 2009 09:05
The Smallest went to sleep late at 11:45.
The Parents stayed up later and came to bed at 1 for the mama and 2 for the papa. The mama didn't really sleep for that hour.
The Smallest, who usually sleeps quietly until 3 or 4, woke up at 2-ish for milk.
And at 2:30.
And at 3:00.
And at 3:30.
By 3:45, when he wanted milk for a fifth time, I was DONE.
And there was much crying.
For FAR too long.
We all go to the living room, where we will not disturb the neighbours as much. We offer rice milk and water and all manner of food. But no. He wants only milk. I tell him milk is asleep. He tells milk to wake up. I assure him that milk is done for the night and won't wake up.
Eventually, after several cycles of settling, wanting milk, being denied, SCREAMING, and settling down again, he eats a little food.
We read stories in bed and he finally nods off to sleep.
What time is it now? close to 6am.
Alarm goes off at 7:30 so that we can get up and get ready for market, which starts at 9. And so that we don't sleep too late because if we sleep too late (after a normal night), then the Smallest doesn't go down for a nap until late and doesn't go to sleep until late.
We get up at 8:45.
We are all zombies.
parenthood is magical,
fire child,