We were fingerpainting earlier, and for prep, I used masking tape to tape down a garbage bag so that the Smallest could have an easily washable surface on which to work.
Just now, the Smallest and
optimystik were playing with the roll of masking tape, rolling it back and forth. A picked up the roll and said, "Roll it, Daddy!" And then he said it a few more times.
I may be mistaken, but I do believe that is possibly his first independently constructed sentence! As opposed to something he repeated nearly verbatim from us, that is.
22 months old, as of this past Tuesday, and we have sentences.
and then there are conversations like this that we just had on the bed:
A: part
Me: part?
A: part... train.
Me: train? part of the train?
A: yes. bed.
Me: do you want part of the train in bed?
A: yes. [pause] scissors.
Me: scissors?! what do you want scissors for?
A: train.
Me: [a bit alarmed] train?! Why do you need scissors for your train? Do you know what scissors do?
A: [with a huge grin] oatmeal!!!
Me: *dead from lolz*
I feel this warrants the Bjork icon because that is life with my toddler.