[local] Anyone want to come?

Dec 03, 2008 21:28

Global Rally to Stop Global Warming!

On Sunday December 7, 2008, join people across the country and take to the streets to support the global day of action to stop global warming.

• We will be marching with others around the world to demand that the United Nations climate change conference in Poznan, Poland (December 1-12) support deep greenhouse gas reductions.
• In Canada, the Harper government has failed to act on global warming and has blocked progress at previous climate meetings. The Canadian government must take a stand against global warming at home and abroad.
• We demand that the government increase support for renewable energy, energy efficiency and green jobs.
• Sign and promote the KYOTOplus petition and join the campaign to ensure the Kyoto Protocol is strengthened and extended at the UN climate conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Join the rally!
Without a groundswell of public opinion we risk a global catastrophe. There is an urgent need for radical action on global warming. Make Canada part of the solution to global warming.

Rally & March
Sunday December 7, 1:00pm
Yonge-Dundas Square, Toronto

Organized by the Toronto Climate Campaign

Part of a Global Day of Climate Protest

For more information, e-mail info[at]torontoclimatecampaign.org or call 647-230-3257.


I don't know how we'll do it without messing up A's naptime, but I really want to go. I missed a nursing rally at Queen's Park this morning because we're both just getting over colds and I didn't want to spread our germs to a bunch of mothers and babies. :\

activism, global warming

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