booster seat PSA

Oct 06, 2008 18:06

"Booster seats are meant to do one thing - elevate children so that safety belts designed for adults are in the right position to restrain kids during a crash. Thirteen of the 41 belt-positioning booster seats the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety evaluated with the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute did such a poor job of improving the fit of lap and shoulder belts for children that the Institute doesn't recommended them at all. Ten models are best bets and 5 are good bets. These evaluations are the first to tell consumers how well boosters sold by US retailers improve belt fit for children in cars, minivans, and SUVs. The Institute plans to continue these assessments.

Proper belt fit
Boosters elevate children so that safety belts designed for adults will fit better. The lap belt should fit flat across a child's upper thighs, not across the soft abdomen, which is more likely to be injured in a crash than bony structures like the pelvis.

The shoulder belt should cross snugly over the middle of a child's shoulder. Then it's in position to provide effective protection in a crash. Plus it's comfortable to use, so a child won't be as likely to move it behind the back or under an arm."

FTR, N and I got a Sunshine Kids seat by Radian. We LOVE it. As long as the seat on which it sits is flat (some back seats cup at the sides), it's immovable. We're so happy with our choice and highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It folds for storage and can have straps attached for easy transport. It's got a steel-alloy frame and is the only seat approved for air travel. Total love.


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