Aug 26, 2007 22:44
things I am tired of:
8 hours of non-continuous sleep every night, only sometimes with naps the following day
overly tired baby boy who cries semi-inconsolably for a very long time (everything is a long time when you are overly tired yourself)
agonizing gas pains
gas pains that make him grunty for HOURS, meaning no sleep for me
a baby who doesn't like to burp
explosive poos that shoot out the sides of the diaper
car rides with screaming baby who can only be consoled when held in arms
still not being able to catch a poo or a pee (EC-related)
diaper-service screw-ups
leaky breasts
breast pads that get super-saturated with leaking breast milk in 5 minutes' time
milk stains on shirts
over-active let-down that makes baby choke and sputter and scream when I try to get the excess milk to drain before latching him back on
squeaky floor
things that make up for the above:
having baby finally fall asleep
baby falling asleep on chest
smiles and grins
successful nursing sessions that are entirely problem free
giant burps that are easy to come by
being able to read his signals correctly
the rocking chair
to slumber-land I go