May 29, 2006 23:15
i dyed my hair back to brown. i think it looks weird. like i'm wearing a wig.
i went to see a capoeira roda this weekend with N. he wasn't all that impressed. he was looking for different things than i was. i liked it and i want to do it. massive upper body strength and washboard abs. fuck yeah.
but i wish he liked it. or was interested in drumming on saturday nights. i feel tugged in those directions but i lack the confidence to just go do it. i don't know what my problem is. i'm tired of feeling alone in these interests.
more delays with app. processing. still haven't looked for a job. too much to do and too little motivation.
but i got vine-ripened tomatoes at the grocery store! this is a huge step for me because i hate tomatoes. but i'm learning to like them. this makes me unusually happy. i think it's because my mom hates tomatoes, but my sister and dad love/d them. if i like them, too, then that just leaves my mom all by herself. the tomato carries a little too much emotional baggage, methinks.
the ADD doctor whose seminars L and I attend inadvertantly advocated attachment parenting last night at his lecture. i wish i could articulate it all, but my brain is fried. personally, i think much of the symptoms that fall under ADD could be circumscribed by proper nutrition (no sugar, namely) and attachment parenting. trust is built and kept and brain chemistry is theoretically less wonky. no need for button-pushing, no need for passive-aggressive behaviour, no need for low self-esteem and inferiority complexes that plague ADDers (and many of the rest of us who don't have to contend with the bulk of the typical ADD symptoms). imagine what the world would be like if we all felt completely secure in ourselves while growing up. what kind of world would we live in?
attachment parenting,
uncommon interests,